Dentist in San Diego Explains How Pacifiers and Thumb Sucking Affect Y –

Dentist in San Diego Explains How Pacifiers and Thumb Sucking Affect Your Child’s Teeth

From Solana Family Dental


Pacifiers certainly serve their purpose in the life of a young child, but there comes a point where parents need to help put an end to the habit. Not only can it be perceived as a sign of immaturity, but according to your dentist in San Diego, it can lead to dental and oral problems if the habit persists.

A few of the main problems that can arise from extended thumb sucking or pacifier use include protruding front teeth, a crossbite, an open bite, and lower front teeth that are tipped back. A crossbite refers to teeth that overlap in the opposite way in which they should, while an open bite refers to front teeth that don’t fully close because they don’t come together. As a result, your  dentist in the La Jolla area recommends that your child be weaned off of pacifiers and thumb sucking sooner rather than later.

Of course, getting your child to quit sucking their thumb or using a pacifier is easier said than done, and your dentist in Del Mar realizes this. Helping quit a pacifier is a bit easier because parents can take it away, but thumbs are a different story. One suggestion for helping your child quit sucking his or her thumb is to offer them positive reinforcement for not doing it rather than getting angry when he or she does suck their thumb. There are also thumb guards available which can make it difficult for your child to put the thumb in his or her mouth.

If you are trying to get your child to quit sucking on a pacifier you can try dipping it in vinegar. This will give the pacifier a sour taste without harming your child. Another option is piercing the tip of the pacifier so it is not possible to suck it as hard which has been a good way of weaning the child in some cases.

In many cases, the problems caused by thumb sucking or pacifier use can correct themselves without the help of a dentist in San Diego,especially if the habit stops by age four. Parents tend to be more concerned about the impact of sucking on a thumb or pacifier than the potential damage warrants, but if you have concerns, feel free to discuss them with your child’s dentist.